I am so appreciative of having my amazing agent Camilla Bolton at Darley Anderson Agency. The process of querying agents can certainly seem daunting. In my video, I talk about how I went about the submission process, and give tips on how to maximise your chances of landing your dream agent. Below, I've attached some variation of my query letter, and hopefully you find it helpful! I'd love to hear about your querying experiences.
On April 2nd from 5.30-6.30PM, I am giving a talk as part of the Stay at Home Online Literary Festival on writing believable characters. It's also the day of the book launch for my debut OUT OF TOUCH-- a family drama that explores our need for human connection and intimacy. Hoorah! For a very brief summary of my talk on writing believable characters, you can click on my blog post on the topic, which I wrote for Curtis Brown. I am also attaching a PDF to my blog post here of character profile sheets which you may find useful in helping develop your character's backstory.
In this short video below, I discuss ways that you can assess whether your manuscript is ready to send off to agents. I've included below a questionnaire that you can use to help you in assessing whether to start querying. It can be really tough sometimes, to know whether your work is ready! It's always a good idea to step away between drafts so that you can return to your manuscript again with fresh eyes. If you've got any strategies that you use to help you decide whether your MS is ready, please leave below in the comments section. Best of luck!